Auteur/autrice : admin2
Steering Committee meeting
The Arterial Network Steering Committee met online 23rd October, 2020. The items discussed on the agenda were: Reminder of the conclusions of the last meeting in Abidjan; the current situation of the Network; the actions carried out; projections on the activities to be carried out and the question of the situation of affiliates.
Arterial Network General Council Webinaire, December 19, 2020.
10H30 – 12H30 / 14H – 16H
Dear artists and cultural actors in the African creative sector, Africa No Filter is launching a series of calls for applications for artists and cultural organizations in Africa who operate in the arts, culture and media sector.
1. Operational support grants
Amount: up to $ 50,000
For creative hubs, narrative change organizations, media houses, festivals, galleries, digital platforms, etc.
Apply via this link:
2. Project support grants
Amount: Up to $ 15,000 (Individuals) or $ 30,000 (organizations)
For creative players, digital platforms, curators, festivals, media houses.
Apply via this link:
3. KEKERE Fund for Emerging Artists
Amount: Up to $ 2,000
The fund is intended for outstanding emerging artists from the continent who do groundbreaking work and creatively challenge harmful narratives within their local and digital communities. This scholarship will be awarded to up to 25 exceptional artists.
Apply via the following link:
Deadlines for all grants are ongoing.
Korkor Amarteifio
Arterial Network is the equivalence of the OAU in the creative sector. We strive for change in our sector, freedom and independence of our artists to create, to collaborate, to assist each other and to help our governments to understand the importance of the sector for socioeconomic development.
FESPACO 2021: Subscriptions for the 27th Open Edition Film Selection
The Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO) is honored to bring to the attention of film and audiovisual professionals that registration for the selection of films for the 27th edition, scheduled to be held from February 27 to March 6, 2021 are open.
Apply here:
MASA 2022 : Call for applications to artistic groups, circus, storytelling, dance, comedy, music, slam, theater
MASA 2022 : Call for applications to artistic groups, circus, storytelling, dance, comedy, music, slam, theater
From 05 to 12 March 2022, the 12th edition of the Abidjan Performing Arts Market (MASA) will be held in Abidjan.
Are eligible under the official program, creations meeting the following conditions:
1. A show less than three (3) years old.
2. The number of the group, including the supervisory team and the manager, should not exceed :
– 3 people for the humor ;
– 3 persons for the slam ;
– 3 persons for storytelling;
– 8 persons for contemporary dance (for the solo: 3 persons);
– 8 persons for the music;
– 10 people for the circus and puppet;
– 10 people for the theater;
– 15 people for heritage dance.
The members of the same group will travel to and from Abidjan from the same city. This must be specified in the application form.
3. Sets and props must be neither heavy nor cumbersome and must be transportable on regular flights.
4. The application file for the official selection of MASA 2022 will include :
4.1. A letter of application addressed to the General Direction of MASA ;
4.2 Three (3) high definition (HD) stage photos of the group;
4.3. A video recording of the show. Teasers and video clips are not accepted;
4.4. A list of creations and broadcasts of the last three (3) years or a press-book ;
4.5. A distribution sheet indicating :
– an e-mail address and a telephone number of the group’s referent;
– the city of departure of the group (NB: only one city of departure and return for the whole group without exception);
– a list of the names of the persons composing the group with the date of birth and the function in the group;
– the first and last names of the stage manager for the music, the administrator for the other disciplines;
– the first and last names of the author, director or choreographer.
4.6. A presentation of the show specifying :
– the date of creation ;
– the theme and approach;
– a summary of the story staged for storytelling, humor, dance and theater;
– the texts of the songs for the music and slam.
4.7. The technical sheet indicating :
– the dimensions of the desired scenes;
– the lighting and sound requirements for the show and the technical personnel needed;
– the length of time required to set up and dismantle the show;
– the weight and volume of sets and props.
NB: MASA reserves the right to propose other technical arrangements.
The documents transmitted remain the property of the MASA, which undertakes not to exploit them for commercial purposes.
Application files can be :
– deposited on the MASA website via the application form available online;
– sent by mail to the address MASA General Directorate, Plateau, Rue Toussaint Louverture 09 BP 2877 Abidjan 09 – Côte d’Ivoire, by July 31, 2021 at the latest, the postmark being taken as proof.
The list of the groups retained for the official selection will be published no later than 05 October 2021. For any further information, write to:
Apply here:
Attention: There will be no call for applications for the MASA Festival.
COVID-19 and the African Creative Sector, Arterial speaks to you !
SERIES : COVID-19 and the African Creative Sector, Arterial speaks to you
Regional Meetings West Africa
On Friday, February 7, 2020 was held at the Institut Kôrè des Arts et Métiers (IKAM) of Ségou/Mali, under the chairmanship of Mr. Fousseyni Diakité (President of Kya/ Arterial Network Mali) a working meeting of the Pan-African network Arterial Network West Africa. This meeting is part of the will of the sub-regional network to take the news of the executive office newly installed in Abidjan during the General Assembly of the cultural organization.
The meeting held on the sidelines of the 2020 edition of Ségou’Art and in partnership with the Festival sur le Niger Foundation brought together several West African countries were represented and observers such as Central and North Africa.
On the agenda were the following items:
- Presentation of the new executive board ;
- Presentation of the balance sheet of the organization ;
- Design of a sub-regional action plan ;
Were present at the said general assembly (see attached attendance list).
- Presentation of the EXCO
At the opening of the meeting, the president, Mr. Pierre Claver Mabiala, first took the floor to welcome everyone but also took the opportunity to present his office to the West African actors of Arterial who were present. He spoke of the difficulties encountered by the continental network under the mandate of the previous bureau. He also explained the peculiarity of the number of representatives per region in his new office: one representative per region instead of two as usual. For a departure the number of members in the EXCO is 3, the two others will join the office soon.
The intervention of the president was then acclaimed, followed by the congratulations of the cultural actors present. There were three members of the EXCO, the President himself, Mr. Limane Kane, Mr. Fousseyni Diakité. In turn, each took the floor to introduce himself and wish every success to the proceedings.
- Presentation of the balance sheet
The second item on the agenda was the presentation of the organization’s balance sheet. The President presented the current state of the network in a transparent manner. Then he made a point of thanking very sincerely the Kya Network, the network of the cultural organizations of Mali for its support and its permanent watch for a strong and resilient Arterial. In fact, the Kya Network made it possible to carry out the audit and to open a new head office since it no longer existed. Special mention was made to the former presidents of Arterial Mr. Mamou DAFFE and Mrs. Korkor AMARTEIFIO for their assistance and their unfailing support for the revitalization of the organization.
- Design of a sub-regional action plan
Arterial Network West Africa, in order to be efficient, decided to design a clear roadmap for its sub-region. Thus, under the enlightened advice of the godmother of the said region, Korkor AMARTEIFIO a number of activities classified in three major categories namely: short, medium and long term were edited (see annex).
The round table allowed to see various festival profiles and also intentions of collaboration. The President wished that there would be more collaboration between actors from the sub-region but also from the rest of the continent. Some festivals that are already working with other countries were encouraged to continue their collaboration.
A sub-group of five members was designated to draft the roadmap based on the interventions and comments made by the participants. This work was adopted in plenary under the assistance of the sponsor. Mali was also designated to host the headquarters of Arterial West Africa for a period of two years.
The plan of action is planned to be adopted as a prelude to Burkina Faso’s national culture week next March in Bobo Dioulasso.